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Armenian-Belgian Business Forum Launched In Yerevan


25.05.2009 17:23 GMT+04:00

Armenian-Belgian collaboration is on its way to development, Armenian
Development Agency (ADA) Director General Robert Harutyunyan told a
news conference. "This has been the first meeting we’ve organized
jointly with Vallonia, Belgium. The main goal of the meeting is
establishment of collaboration with Armenian and Belgian business
circles to enable creation of joint enterprise and provision of
product turnover," he said.

According to Harutyunyan, the first Armenian-Belgian business forum
was held last year. "Currently our task is to strengthen and develop
our collaboration." According to Director General the collaboration
will be established within UNIDO assistance framework.

According to Harutyunyan, current collaboration level has been
unsatisfactory so far, so it needs to be further developed. "At present
there are no Belgian enterprises in Armenia, several companies with
Belgian capital has been operating so far." In this connection he added
that in 2008 direct investments in Armenia comprised $3,6 million,
exceeding 2007 results by 2,5%, product turnover comprised $18,
65 million within the same period.

"Export and import between the two countries is presented in similar
figures, but there’s a chance to increase them. Business forums like
this one will provide us with the possibility."

Harutyunayn noted that mainly jewelry has been exported from
Armenia. Foodstuff is being imported from Belgium. Besides, there are
certain achievements in the sphere of rural production, pharmaceutical
and chemical spheres, as well as information technologies.

Belgian delegation including 11 companies’ representatives is headed
by General Director of Valloni Belgian state’s Agency for external
trade and investments, Phillip Syunen. Armenia was represented by
ADA Director General, Robert Harutyunyan and Commercial Attache of
Belgian Embassy in Russia Ivan Korsak.

Chalian Meline:
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