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Jivan Gasparyan And Hovhannes Chekidgyan Awarded With Gold Orders


25.05.2009 20:58 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Today Aram Khatchaturyan Concert Hall hosted an
award ceremony instituted by Russian Armenians’ Union (RAU) and World
Armenian Congress (WAC).

World acknowledged duduk player Jivan Gasparyan and Head of RA State
Choir Hovhannes Chekidgyan were awarded with bejeweled gold crosses
for inestimable contribution into Armenian culture.

RAU and WAC annual awards were instituted to encourage creativity in
art and science workers.

This year, along with RA NAS, 5 scientists were granted with awards
for achievements of 2008.

With the assistance of writers’, journalists’ and artists’ unions
of Armenia, awards were bestowed on 8 composers for creation of
classical music compositions. Prizes were also awarded to 4 writers,
5 journalists and media representatives. PanARMENIAN.Net information
agency received an award for impartiality, operability and objectivity.

"Charity must not necessarily involve significant funds, the attention
itself can already be considered as charity, as the attention or the
smallest help can be turned into a major income for a sponsor," NAS
Director Radik Martirosyan addressed the audience. He also called on
Armenian leaders to create more favorable conditions for charity.

Frangulian Shushan:
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