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Armenia’s Universities Receive 10,000 Applications


May 28, 2009

Armenia’s universities received 10,000 applications as of May 27,
the RA Ministry of Education and Science reports.

The State Commission for Registration of Applications held its first
meeting on Wednesday.

The members of the commission said 159 applicants from targeted social
groups will receive discounts this year. Particularly, 78 students
are children of fallen freedom fighters, 68 have disabilities and 13
applicants are without parental care.

The commission also approved the schedule for centralized entrance
exams that are to take place from July 15 to July 26.

This year, students will take centralized oral exams in Armenian and
foreign languages, as well as an essay competition for journalism. The
appellate process remained unchanged.

The commission also touched upon the issue of applicants with Russian
education that did not pass finals on the Armenian language.

The commission members decided to allow graduates of Russian-biased
schools to take exams in the Russian language instead of Armenian.

Applicants from Javakhk (Armenian region in Georgia) can submit the
results of their final exams on Armenian as an out-of-competition

Zargarian Hambik:
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