Turkey Supports Azerbaijan


16:41 27/05/2009

It is an undisputable truth that the Azeri party expresses
its discontent over the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs’ activities
repeatedly. They condemn the co-chairs’ activities accusing them of
their inefficient and unproductive activities. And these accusations
are made starting from the president of the country.

But recently Turkey started to support its "junior brother"
Azerbaijan. On the eve of leaving for Baku, the Foreign Minister
of Turkey Ahmed Davutoglu emphasized their contribution saying:
"We can not disagree with Azerbaijan’s President Ilhaam Aliev who
has been recently condemning the Minsk Group activities. The history
shows that that group has been working unproductively and it’s high
time to overview that process, which, by the way, Turkey is doing."

Of course, both the Azeri and Turkish wish to change the group’s
format and to include Turkey as a mediator party. But they both
understand that without Armenia’s agreement their dream will not come
true. Official Yerevan has been announcing for many times that the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be solved in the frames of the OSCE
Minsk Group, especially when Turkey has partial disposition.

In this respect the statement made by Sabina Freizer, the manager
of European projects of the International crisis group was a perfect
cold shower for the brother countries: "Turkey is interested in the
resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by the OSCE Minsk Group
support, but it can not be a neutral participant of the action because
it has obvious contribution towards one part. This Turkey should
explain Azerbaijan instead of calling "One nation-two countries"