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BAKU: Azerbaijan To Keep On Armenia’s Isolation Policy And Preventin


Azerbaijan Business Center
May 29 2009

Baku, Fineko/abc.az. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev made speech
at the solemn meeting in connection with the 91st anniversary of
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

During his speech he summed up results of the first stage of war
with Armenia for territorial integrity and 15 years of attempts of
peaceful settlement of Nagorno Garabagh conflict.

President Aliyev stated that in 1991-93 country’s independence bore
formal character.

"Precisely in those years – following occupation of Shusha and Lachin
in 1992, and Kalbajar in the first half of 1993, one can say that it
was decided the ate of the first stage of war, but only the first
stage. We try to obtain peaceful settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijan
Garabagh conflict. But together with that we do not rule out all
other options," he said.

President Aliyev emphasized that the period of 1993-2003 was years
of stability and development for Azerbaijan. During those years bases
of statehood were built in Azerbaijan. In literal sense it was built
an independent state. The political and economic reforms that have
been continued today were launched in those years and were aimed at
Azerbaijan’s integration into world community.

"In a word, 1993-2003 years played a decisive role in development of
Azerbaijan as an independent state. Today remain adherent to policy
of our national leader Heydar Aliyev and continue it," President
Aliyev said.

He also refuted the attempts of the Armenian side occupying 20% of
Azerbaijani territory to present principle of self-determination of
peoples equally at the same level with the principle of territorial
integrity. For that the President cited the Helsinki Final Act of 1975.

"Armenia is an independent state and the Armenian people has once
self-determined. The Azerbaijan government and Azerbaijani people will
never allow creation of thre second Armenian state on the Azerbaijani
land. Today negotiations on the conflict settlement have acquired a
more intense character.

Azerbaijan, as always, holds constructive positive position based on
international law. Today at the table of negotiations is the issue of
return of all occupied lands to Azerbaijan and return of all refugees
and IDPs to their native lands. Different speculations appear on this
matter, and that is why I want to claim once more that the issue of
mechanism of Nagorno Garabagh separation from Azerbaijan is out of
question during negotiations. Neither today nor in 10 years nor in
100 years Nagorno Garabagh will be an independent state. Azerbaijan’s
position is unambiguous. Despite all the pressure exerted upon us we
are going to defend to the end this position. I want to re-stress that
for 15 years after ceasefire start we have demonstrated constructive
position. But together with that we pay much attention to building
of army in Azerbaijan," President Aliyev said.

He added that Azerbaijan’s defence budget exceeds the State Budget
of Armenia.

"Azerbaijan’s growing capacities, its significance, authority in the
world and turning into an important country certainly strengthens
all our positions. We intend to follow our policy aimed at isolating
Armenia from all regional and global projects until our lands are
released," President Aliyev said.

Vanyan Gary:
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