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Baku proposes creating Russia-Georgia-Azerbaijan-Russia energy ring

Baku proposes project on creating Russia-Georgia-Azerbaijan-Russia
energy ringway
30.05.2009 17:25 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In CIS Energy Council’s 35th session held yesterday
in Baku, Azerbaijan proposed several initiatives. According to
Azerenerji LLC President Etibar Pirverdiev, discussion focused on
important issues concerning energy flow via Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran and
Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey energy lines.
`Parties also considered the project aimed at creating
Russia-Georgia-Azerbaijan-Russia ringway,’ Pirverdiev said, adding
that Azerbaijan’s already completing construction of long electric
power transmission line (with a length of 350 km.) which will form the
continuation of Russia-Azerbaijan-Iran line.
`We completed our investments in the project, and hope Russia will
also will comply with its investment commitments on its territory. ‘
Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey energy line project is currently in the
process of elaboration. Its technical-economic justification was given
by US Agency for International Development (USAID).
The Council held its Session with the participation of representatives
from Turkmenistan, Georgia and Armenia. Iranian delegation did not
attend the discussion, Fineko/abc.az reports.

Karabekian Emil:
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