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BAKU: Visit of Ambs of Azerbaijan & Armenia to NK depends on Prezs.

Today.Az, Azerbaijan
May 30 2009

Political scientist: Visit of ambassadors of Azerbaijan and Armenia to
Karabakh depends on the meeting of the presidents of the two countries
in Saint-Petersburg

30 May 2009 [10:54] – Today.Az

"The visit of the Azerbaijani and Armenian ambassador in Russia to
Karabakh is possible and it depends on the constructiveness level of
the Saint-Petersbug meeting between the presidents of two countries,
said famous political scientist Rasim Musabeyov.

"If it is the same as in Prague, I doubt that this initiative will be
implemented", noted he.

According to him, if positive shifts are recorded and there will be a
need to create a positive atmosphere in the society, such a visit
might take place. Moreover, a meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian
civil activists is planned in Moscow in July in frames of the
International Alert.

"Art and scientific figures might be represented at this meeting. I
would like to repeat that the visit of the ambassadors is possible
only in case positive changes are recorded during the Saint-Petersburg
talks of the presidents", concluded Musabeyov.



Madatian Greg:
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