KLO condemns Polad Bulbuloglu’s intention to visit NK

APA, Azerbaijan
May 30 2009

KLO condemns Polad Bulbuloglu’s intention to visit Nagorno Karabakh
with Armenian ambassador to Russia

[ 30 May 2009 14:48 ]

Baku. Elnur Mammadli ` APA. Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO)
issued a statement condemning Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia Polad
Bulbuloglu’s intention to visit Nagorno Karabakh with Armenian
ambassador to this country.

The organization’s press service told APA that such steps served for
Armenia’s interests and justification of their aggressive actions.

KLO noted that it was an illogical step while Armenia did want to
withdraw from its occupied territories, committed arsons there and
obviously held military trainings in those territories: `Polad
Bulbuloglu’s insistence on this initiative causes serious question and
anxiety and makes doubts on his turning into the tool of Russian and
Armenian policy’.

KLO says that Azerbaijani government should investigate
P. Bulbuloglu’s activity and reconsider the issue whether he deserves
the post he is holding or not.