PM’s Congratulatory Message on 45th Anniversary of `Berd’ Dance Co

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan’s Congratulatory Message on 45th
Anniversary of `Berd’ Dance Company Founding

Fri day, 29 May 2009

All civilized nations introduce themselves to the global family of
nations by means of culture, first of all. For many centuries, the art
of dancing has been the key to self-expression for our people.

In its capacity of a cultural entity, `Berd’ has covered a unique path
of development. Several generations of dancers have joined the Company
since its founding some 45 years ago by drawing upon the crystalline
source of Armenia’s dancing spirit.

Either at home or abroad, Berd has managed to represent the Armenian
dancing art with much credit and honor. `Berd’ has fascinated several
thousands of spectators worldwide to win international recognition and
respect for Armenia and Armenians.

With my heartfelt congratulations on the 45th anniversary of `Berd’
company, I wish it further success and new creative achievements to the
benefit of the Armenian culture and folk-dance.