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Armenian Parliamentarian: Azerbaijani Media Disseminated Misinformat


2009-06-01 12:43:00

ArmInfo. ‘Azerbaijani media disseminated misinformation saying that
I have allegedly ‘recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
and Nagorny Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan’. It is a blazer’, Vardan
Khachatryan, parliamentarian representing Heritage opposition party
faction, told ArmInfo when commenting on the ‘article’ by AzerTaj
correspondent Vugar Seidov.

‘The conclusions of the given ‘journalist’ are probably a desperate
attempt to respond to my speech at the meeting of the Assembly of
Western European Union in Saint Petersburg on May 14 in the presence
of CIS representatives’, V. Khachatryan said.

He said that certain Turkish-subject Chaush-oghlu that somehow occurred
in the unharmonious Azerbaijani delegation declared a hot speech
by tradition accusing Armenia ‘of occupation, crimes, violation of
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan’ and other trash. In response, the
Armenian parliamentarian called on Azeris ‘for opening the eyes to the
truth on Karabakh’ and highlighted that the conflict in early 90s was
between Azerbaijan and Nagorny Karabakh and not Azerbaijan and Armenia.

‘I emphasized that the conflict originated as a result of Azerbaijan’s
aggression against the peaceful population of Karabakh. Azerbaijani
militaries continuously annihilated the Karabakh people. Thanks to
heroic efforts of Karabakh fighters, the people could unite around the
idea of independence and win the war unleashed by Azerbaijan. After
my speech, which the Azerbaijani delegations failed to give any
reasonable response to, it had nothing to do but leave the sitting
hall. Evidently, the article by the Azerbaijani ‘journalist’ is the
very response to my speech’, Khachatryan said for conclusion.

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