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The Election Day As Assessed By Participating Forces

Siranush Muradyan

01.06.2009 13:08

The political forces are already speaking loudly about the election

Leader of the People’s Party Tigran Karapetyan is not discontent with
the number of his vote, but is disappointed with the voting process,
as a whole. "I think my results were normal. But everything was turned
into a sale. It was not voting; it was bargaining. I’m content with
my results, but dissatisfied with the election process, as a whole."

ARF Dashnaktsutyun is still summing up the results. Artyusha
Shahbazyan, who was in charge for the election campaign, said: "We
have not analyzed the results yet. We still have to compare the facts
and numbers. There have been some infringements. We should discuss
to what extent they could have affected the outcome of the election."

Coordinator of the Armenian National Congress Levon Zurabyan said
they were dissatisfied with the whole election process. "Do you
know anyone besides the authorities that would be satisfied with
the process of elections? The authorities in power committed another
crime. During today’s rally we will speak about what we are going to
do," Zurabyan said.

Chalian Meline:
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