The voting is over: All polling stations closed at 8 p.m.

The voting is over: All polling stations closed at 8 p.m.
31.05.2009 20:16

Lusine Vasilyan

All polling stations were closed at 8 p.m. sharp, and the voting for
the Yerevan City Coucnil is over. The electoral commissions are now
summing up the results.

The Central Electoral Commission provides information on voter turnout
every three hours and the final numbers are due at 9 p.m.

As of 5 p.m., 41.66% of the electorate participated in the elections.
This is not a bad result, but not the best, either. It yields to the
voter turnout at the last presidential elections, when the
participation reached 57.14% as of 5 p.m.

The greatest activeness was registered in Avan community. Almost 50% of
the voters participated in the elections by 5 p.m. The same
participation was registered in Shengavit. Erebuni and Arabkir
communities were the most passive.

Touching upon the election frauds, Secretary of the Central Electoral
Commission Abram Bakhchagulyan described those as supposed violations.
All the reports disseminated by electronic media were checked, he said.
Investigation revealed that part of them did not correspond to reality,
particularly with regard to stuffing and election bribes.

Abram Bakhchagulyan noted that progress was obvious as regards voting
lists. This time only 10 voters could not find their names in the list
and applied to the corresponding bodies to restore their voting rig