Categories: News

ARF Dashnaktsutyun Statement


21:46:42 – 01/06/2009

The ARF Dashnaktsutyun issued a statement in connection with
the Yerevan Mayor election, which runs that the party considered
yesterday’s elections as a way to overcome the atmosphere of hostility,
which was fomed after the 2008 presidential election.

The party states, that again happened what had already happened
before, the district and oligarchic authorities, elecotral bribes
and administrative levers played a great role in the election.

As the statement runs, the party considers senseless to deal with the
result of the elections from legal point of view. But the stances
of the party are clear, the ARF Dashnaktsutyun is not going to
conciliate with this situation. The Dashnaktsutyun representative at
the Central electoral commission is not going to sign the final report
on the results of the Yerevan Mayor election. They also call on the
government to declare invalid the voting at several polling stations.

Zaminian Bedik:
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