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It Is Time To Spare Our Energy Spent On Europeans

James Hakobyan

15:31:42 – 01/06/2009

The Armenian society, of course, hears with true anger the conclusions
that the European observers make in connection with the Yerevan Mayor
Election. Many people will be filled with the same anger when they
learn that the European observers assessed positively the election
on May 31 even though they stressed that the final conclusion will be
made in October. It is a little surprising to learn that the Europeans
need five months to make a final conclusion. This means that they are
going to continue being engaged in politics during these five months,
in other words the final result will be determined by their political
interest by not by what they saw in Yerevan on May 31. This is not
news: the Armenian society does not have to get surprised at seeing
such manifestations but it has to realize one thing that Europe,
while observing elections in Armenia, settles only its problems. If
the Armenian society wants to solve some problem through elections,
so it has to settle it like the Europeans do. It is comprehensible
that it will be much more difficult for the Armenian society because
unlike the European observers, the Armenian citizen appears in front
of the criminal authors of electoral breaches.

It is time to perceive the European officials and observers as
tourists. If they want to have any relation with the Armenian society,
let them come and express their ideas clearly, their expectations,
their wishes and goals, and the society will decide what to do with
them, whether to have relations or not with the Europeans. It is
time to stop complaining of the Europeans when they do not notice
the electoral breaches and asses positively the elections. All this
of course contradicts the European measurements. But this is not our
problem. It is their problem and let them solve it themselves. The
less we make the Europeans solve our questions, the better they will
be solved.

If there are people, who think that the government stands firm
in Armenia thanks to the double standards of Europe, so they are
wrong. The government stands firm thanks to the opposite because it set
hopes only on its own resources while solving questions. The terrible
is not to accept that the government turned out to be stronger than the
opposition and society. The terrible thing is when we try to make the
Europeans bear responsibility for it too. If we do not waste our energy
in this connection, the potential of the society could enhance. Who
knows maybe this energy lacks for the success in the government –
society struggle. This does not mean that as soon as we stop involving
the Europeans in the settlement of our issues they will find their
solutions at once. But if we count, how much superfluous energy we
wasted in the previous years, the lost energy will form a huge scale.

Chilingarian Babken:
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