Stuffed By Hurting Fingers


01:44 am | June 01, 2009


Proxies at the Malatia-Sebastia district’s 8/24 polling station drew
up reports of "ballot stuffings".

According to the proxies, at around 6:30 p.m. 20-25 people intruded the
polling station, surrounded commission members and stuffed the ballots.

"Four to five boys turned my way, took out ballots and two of them
stuffed them in the boxes without letting the third boy stuff them. I
hurt my finger while this was going on. I closed the hole and my
fingers stayed under.

They left when I started to scream," ANC observer Narine Nahapetyan
told "A1+".

ARF proxy Valery Khachatryan also confirmed the stuffing, while
president of the commission Sveta Asatryan neither confirmed nor

"The proxy warned me that there were people gathered outside. I went
to warn law-enforcement officers to come. I came when I heard the
screaming, but didn’t see anything."