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Alexander Iskandaryan: Armenian Society Creates Problems For Itself



/PanARMENIAN .Net/ "I believe we’re very passive as a society and as
journalists. Just look at the number of materials published by Armenian
media. I mean not their own materials, but those published in Azeri
or Turkish media," Eurointegration Social Organization Chairman,
Karen Bekaryan told a news conference. According to him, Armenian
journalists always miss out on important factor: information streams or
"information wars" play crucial role in international relations. "We
don’t even realize that we are willingly or, perhaps, on our own
initiatives, contributing to the interests of the opposite party,"
stated Bekaryan, citing the incident when the road map agreement
was published in Sabah Turkish newspaper. "Someone reprinted the
material and the public was wondering whether the information is
reliable. Yet, we’d never undertake such a step towards Turkish
society. Still, we’re forgetting that we’re at informational and
psychological war." Alexander Iskandaryan , Caucasus Institute
Director begged to disagree, stating that the problem lies in the
state the society is in. "Armenian society is currently in a state
where it could turn any event into a problem. Afterwards, articles
start to appear in the media, saying that we’ve once again "sold"
the Krabakh. This reflects the state of society but not the state of
journalists. Journalists are just allowing themselves to be run by
the society," Armenian politologist stated.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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