Armenia, Syria Interested In Expanding Cooperation

02.06.2009 17:46

President Serzh Sargsyan today received the Foreign Minister of the
Arabic Republic of Syria, Walid Al-Moualem.

According to President Sargsyan, Armenia attaches great importance
to the development of relations and expansion of cooperation with
Syria and its friendly people. Noting that many remember the visit of
Syria’s President Hafes Al-Assad to Armenia 30 years ago, President
Sargsyan said the President of the Arab Republic of Syria, Bashar
Al-Assad was going to arrive in Armenia in a fortnight. The Armenian
President and the Syrian Foreign Minister agreed that the visit would
open a new page in the relations between the two countries.

The Foreign Minister of Syria attached importance to the
intensification of the political dialogue between the two countries
and the deepening of cooperation in different fields, specially
emphasizing the necessity of expansion of trade-economic ties.

The interlocutors dwelt on issues of stability and security in the
South Caucasus, stressing the importance of solving the existing
problems through negotiations. President Sargsyan welcomed the balanced
position of Syria on sensitive issues of our region.

Walid Al-Moualem presented the process of settlement of the problems
existing in the Middle East.