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Armenian-Syrian Relations Should Develop



/PanARMENIA N.Net/ Relations between Armenia and Syria are traditionally
friendly, an Armenian expert said. "The causes date back to the
beginning of the 20th century when Armenian Genocide survivors settled
in Syria and became one of the strongest Armenian communities. By mid
20th century, nearly 200 thousand Armenians lived in Aleppo. It’s
not surprising that Syrian President Hafez al-Assad visited soviet
Armenia in 1970ies," orientalist Suren Manukyan told PanARMENIAN.Net.

"However, some problems emerged lately. Yerevan-Damascus relations
were cooling simultaneously with improvement of Ankara-Damascus
ties. Although it was not so obvious and leaders of both states
continued assuring that there is no disagreement, cooperation did not
develop. Syrian Ambassador to Yerevan was demoted in rank and became
Charge d-Affaires in 2002. Armenia had to do the same in 2004,"
he said. "Economic relations are not active due to the absence of
overland communication. Introduction of visa system by Armenia hampers
tourists’ flows. Furthermore, Syria imposed some restrictions on
marking the Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. Maybe the visit of
Syrian President will help clarify a number of issues and improve
relations," Manukyan concluded.

Nanijanian Alex:
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