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President Of Syria Due In Armenia In A Fortnight


02.06.2009 15:48

The Foreign Minister of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian, received his
Syrian counterpart Walid Al-Moualem.

Ranking high the Armenian-Syrian relations, Minister Nalbandian
underlined that the Armenian and Syrian people are tied by traditional
friendship and reciprocal sympathy checked throughout history. The
forthcoming visit of the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, to
Armenia at the invitation of President Serzh Sargsyan will contribute
to the reinforcement and deepening of relations between Armenia and
Syria, the Armenian Foreign Minister said.

Minister Al-Moualem thanked his Armenian counterpart for warm reception
and noted he was glad to visit Armenia. The Syrian Foreign Minister
attached importance to the intensification of the political dialogue
and the development of Armenian-Syrian relations in different spheres,
specially emphasizing the necessity of deepening of trade-economic
and cultural ties.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Syria discussed a broad framework
of issues related to the further expansion of bilateral relations. The
interlocutors dwelt on issues of ensuring stability and security in
the South Caucasus. The Minister emphasized the importance of solving
the existing problems in a peaceful way.

Walid Al-Moualem presented the process of settlement of the issues
existing in the Middle East and Syria’s approaches.

The meeting was20followed by a joint press conference.

Toneyan Mark:
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