Categories: News

Economic Forum Starts In Saint Petersburg Today


2009-06-04 12:03:00

ArmInfo. Economic Forum starts in Saint Petersburg today. President
of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev will expectedly hold
negotiations with the counterparts from Azerbaijan and Armenia
today. The programme of the Forum is quite extended. S. Petersburg
will become a center of the world’s political life for several
days. Presidents of the Near and Far abroad, as well as representatives
of the world business elite will arrive to Russia for 3 days, the
Russian news service reports. The investment climate in Russia will
become the key topic of the Forum. Over 2,000 participants will be
present at the Forum, among them representatives of the political
elite and heads of the biggest corporations, such as Exxon Mobile,
Gazprom, TNK-BP and ONEXIM. However, not all the applicants will
arrive to the Forum because of the crisis. The reasons of the crisis,
its consequences for different business sectors, insight into the
history on the topic of the previous crises will be discussed during
the Forum. Moreover, Roundtables will be organized for the companies
of the banking, oil, transport and cinematography sectors. Possibility
of appearance of a reserve currency will become one of the central
topics of discussion.

Toganian Liana:
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