Categories: News

100 Extra Envelopes


01:35 pm | June 04, 2009


Within the framework of the criminal case brought up at the Special
Investigative Service, the prosecutor’s office opened the packet stolen
from the 8/01 polling station, which was open just like the packet of
the 8/05 polling station. This means that the packet that was closed
and stamped with all ballots, lists, valid and invalid ballots and
envelopes was opened before it made it to the prosecutor’s office.

The investigators registered this and started recounting the
votes. The alarm from this polling station referred to the ballot-box
stuffing. "A1+" asked the CEC representative if it was possible to
find out if there had been stuffing or not and the CEC representative
said no.

There were few errors during the recount with only three envelopes
out of the 1573 envelopes that didn’t correspond to the sample. But
the number of envelopes proved that there was stuffing at the polling
station because there were 100 envelopes more than the signatures
registered in the register. The report included 1480 signatures,
but after the recount at the prosecutor’s office it turned into 1477
and the envelopes were 1570.

It turned out that the ballots and reports corresponded in this
polling station after the recount. Among those present during the
recount was head of the "Heritage" party administration, MP Anahit
Bakhshyan, yet there were no European observers or representatives of
other parties. There were also no experts from the national center of
experts; however there were more CEC authorized representatives. The
recount was completed by three investigators and eight experts from
the CEC.

Karakhanian Suren:
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