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Let Us Reconcile, What Happened?



12:30:46 – 04/06/2009

Interview with the Republican press speaker, the secretary of the
Republican parliamentary faction Eduard Sharmazanov

– The Armenian National Congress assessed this election of the local
self-government bodies in Yerevan as criminal. What do you think
which is the reason for this evaluation and how would you describe
this election?

– The Republican Party and I, as the press speaker of the party,
asses this election as normal and corresponding to the democratic
values, these were legal elections. It is not accidental that the
international observers made the same evaluation too. When we state
that this election corresponded to the democratic values, we do not
say that it was idealistic and there were no breaches. Of course,
there were breaches and it is very difficult for a country, which has
only 18 years of democratic history not to make breaches at a 12-hours
election, because there is no idealistic election in any country. There
were several bad phenomena, and the head of our party, Mr. Sargsyan has
a clear stance in this connection: the elections were a step forward
though with some breaches. The Prosecutor General brought cases against
those, who committed these breaches. From this point of view, we think
that this election corresponded to the European measurements. It is
the problem of the Armenian National Congress why it states that this
election was criminal. If our oppositional partners have facts that
the election was rigged, though I do not believe it, let them present
the fact to the relevant bodies and not to make loud statements.

– What would you say in connection with the fact that the Armenian
National Congress refused the Yerevan Elders’ Council mandates?

– The HAK, as an independent political force, decides its strategy by
itself. There are different methods of struggle in politics, including
the refusal of mandates or the boycott. But, in my opinion, all the
political forces, which chose the strategy of refusing mandates, harmed
their reputation. Then, I don’t think that it was honest to refuse
the mandates in regard of those 70, 000 voters, who voted for the HAK.

-The Bargavach Hayastan Party is said to refuse the mandates either.

– I have not heard such a thing. I met my friends from the BHK but
they did not tell me anything.

– When we speak about ballot stuffing, we know that those ballots
were for the Republican Party and not for example for the HAK. May
we state that the Republican again used its governmental levers?

– In order to clarify everything, let me state that the Republican
conducted a completely clear and democratic election. The headquarters
of the party had no possibility and intention, no aim or need to
falsify the election. The democratic principles are supreme values
for us. As to the cases of ballot stuffing, there may be people,
who would like to do a disservice.

– Does the Republican Party use such services?

– The president of Armenia, who heads also the Republican Party, stated
clearly after the election that it corresponded to the democratic
duties assumed by the government. But those people, who committed
breaches will be punished by law.

– In any case, did they work for you?

– They did not. The Republican Party does not need such services. The
Republican has a serious number of voters, a serious ideological team
and the best proof of it is the Yerevan Mayor election.

– You speak about democratic values but journalists are beaten up
in our country. During this election many journalists underwent
violence. We may state that the violence against journalist became
regular here.

– Any violation of human rights is worrying. I think that the
law enforcement bodies will do everything possible to prevent such
cases. The stances of our party are clear: any violation of freedom of
speech, or violence against journalists is to be condemned. Everyone
must do their duty. I think that there are very good journalists in
Armenia, who want to see Armenia more democratic.

– Did not the results of the election, according to which the OYP
and the ARF Dashnaktsutyun did not pass the limit of 7 percent,
surprise you?

– If at the parliamentary election the limit is 5 percent, so at
the Mayoral election it is 7 percent. Both the OYP and the ARF
Dashnaktsutyun were close to it. Considering the fact, that both of
them have serious teams in the regions, if it was a parliamentary
election, they would pass. Moreover, it was determined by the change
of candidates. I respect very much Artsvik Minasyan, but I think that
he has less experience than Vahan Hovhanisyan.

Let us accept the results of this election. There were no serious
clashes during this election, there was a correct electoral campaign,
all the teams, including the Armenian National Congress, held a normal
agitation. In these equal conditions, people voted for the Republican
Party. What happened now? Let us reconcile. People elected. And why
did not they need to vote for the Republicans? The Republican is the
only political force in Armenia, which enhances it votes from election
to election.

– If it is confirmed that there were ballot stuffing and breaches at
many polling stations, will there new elections be held.

– I know all the observations of the HAK and its applications and
I do not see any ground to hold a new election. Let the HAK and all
the other political forces try to find the reason for their failures
in themselves.

Varosian Antranik:
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