UN Appoints Athgo Founder to UNDESA-GAID Steering Committee

UN Appoints Athgo Founder to UNDESA-GAID Steering Committee

June 4, 2009

Armen Orujyan, PhD, 35, of Los Angeles, California will serve as a
member of the Steering Committee of United Nations Global Alliance for
ICT and Development, effective May 1, 2009, announced the United

`I am honored to serve the mission of the United Nations Global
Alliance for ICT and Development,’ said Orujyan, adding, `I feel
privileged to have the opportunity to help set an agenda focusing on
the parts of the world that lack the tools and resources necessary for
equal access in participation and contribution to global

Orujyan is the founder of Athgo International, a non-profit
organization that engages young people in entrepreneurship to promote
sustainable enterprise development.

`He recognizes the potential of information and communication
technology in equipping young people with the tools to succeed in the
modern world and has initiated creative projects to turn this
commitment into reality," said the UN Under-Secretary-General Cheick

A champion for youth through his work with Athgo, Orujyan was also one
of ten people last year selected from around the world to serve as
e-Leader for the UN Committee on Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) and Youth.

Established in 2006 and approved by the UN Secretary-General Kofi
Annan after comprehensive worldwide consultations with experts from
government, private sector and academia, GAID will provide a global
forum to address cross-cutting issu es related to ICT in development.

Currently, UNDESA-GAID explores how `ICTs and innovation can be
harnessed to meet key global challenges such as poverty eradication,
the financial crisis, climate change, governance and mainstreaming
gender.’ The Steering Committee comprised of 12 members will
provide executive direction and priority setting for the initiative,
as well as oversight and guidance to the secretariat.

`I have no doubt that he will bring a lot of expertise, energy and
ideas to the Global Alliance for ICT and Development in its pursuit of
the use of ICT to achieve the Millennium Development Goals," said

For more information about Dr. Orujyan or Athgo, please contact
[email protected] or visit
