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Norvik UCO wins in Best Content and High Accessibility nomination

Norvik UCO wins in Best Content and High Accessibility nomination of
CB’s Best Information Booklet competition

2009-06-06 15:37:00

ArmInfo. Norvik Universal Credit Organization has won in the "Best
Content and High Accessibility" nomination of the Central Bank’s "The
Best Information Booklet 2009" competition.

The objective of the contest is to enhance the transparency of the
financial market and to provide the customers of financial
organizations with accessible and detailed information, reports the
press service of Norvik.

CEO of Norvik Tigran Bostanjyan says that his company gives high
priority to the transparency and accessibility of its information. "We
are glad that the jury has given a high assessment of the quality
and content of our information."

Norvik was established in Feb 2006 by Latvian-Icelandic Norvik Bank. In
early July 2006 the company was granted the CB’s license. For two years
already Norvik has been the leading credit organization of Armenia.

The CB’s contest has been held since 2008. The jury comprised employees
of the CB as well as representatives of public organizations, the Union
of Banks, the Association of Insurance Market Participants, credit
companies and mass media.

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