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Truth, Justice and Tolerance upside down

Truth, Justice and Tolerance Upside Down
Saturday, June 6, 2009 at 11:30AM
Walid Shoebat

By Walid Shoebat

Our President just spoke in Cairo and he said he wanted to speak truth
the speech was a lie from start to finish. He tried to portray Islam
as a tolerant religion. Try ask the families of the million and half
Armenian Christians butchered by the Turks in the name of Allah, or
the Hindus butchered in the tens of millions in India during the
middle ages or try telling the 850,000 Jews who fled Arab countries
between 1948 and 1973, or what about the millions of Christians and
Black Muslims (not real Muslims according to the Arabs) butchered by
the Arab Muslims in Darfur Sudan; just a few of the tolerant moments
of Islam. Maybe we could examine the persecution of Copts, Maronites
and other Middle Eastern Christians over the last several centuries
including the current times. I personally have spoken to dozens of
families about how their wives, daughters, aunts and nieces have been
subjected to unspeakable rapes, kidnapping and imprisonment with no
for redress.

John Adams the second president may have signed a peace treaty with
Tripoli (morocco) Pirates but did not compliment Islam, the President
Obama took those words out of context and then on top omitted the
castigation and condemnation of Islam by John Adams’ son; John Quincy
Adam’s, the sixth president, who said quote `The essence of his
doctrine (Islam) was violence, lust: to exalt brutal over the
spiritual part of human nature.’

President Obama continues with his his lies about the `Justice,
progress and dignity of all Human beings in Islam’. Well Mr. President
try asking that question to the wives of most Muslims; if only those
women had a chance to taste Western freedom of expression. Our
President deceives himself as he deceives others. He is a disgrace to
the cause of civil rights, not for just Christians and Jews but to all
that live under the yoke of Islam. The huge amount of evidence showing
Islamic brutality today and of the past hat is denied by President
Obama with omission and unfortunately also denied by many in our
society, including most of the church in America and the West.

According to the philosophy of the left and our President, is that if
you are a minority you have the right to be more privileged than the
majority because of the past injustices that were inflicted on that
minority. Affirmative action is for every minority except for
Jews/Israelis because if you are a Jew living in the Middle East or
Israel you have to be subservient to the Muslims and to our President
Barack Hussein Obama, who is `proud of his Muslim heritage.’

If Islam is not a peaceful religion and Zionism is true then I am a
proud extremist. The President does not speak the truth and should be
impeached for hate crimes and racism against Jews, for despising and
undermining our constitution, for attempting to bankrupt the country,
for lying to the American people about what he promised them before
being elected and allegedly for proposing a racist supreme court
judge. America is still divided and not united because the truth is
lost, lies are embraced and deception is the order of the day.

In regards to Israel the President made a clear and unequivocal
statement at AIPAC about an undivided Jerusalem but that I am sure
will be the next change in his position after he pounds the Jews into
giving up Judea.

If you are a true liberal how can you justify Jews giving up their
homes or expanding their economic welfare because they are Jews? Arabs
want a state called Palestine, fine, if that is what they want why can
Jews not live in a state called Palestine as a peaceful minority just
like Arabs live within Israel’s Green Line. If Jews cannot be part of
`Palestine’ then Arabs should not be part of Israel, kick them all
out, let them live in their utopia terror state called Palestine. No,
because if Israel were to do this they would be called an apartheid
state but it is OK to be an Arab and be guilty of an Apartheid policy,
which is called `freedom fighting’ by the left and the Arabs. How
tolerant Mr. President! And for those that say that Jews should not be
there in the first place, that is another lie. Jews lived in JUDEA
continuously for nearly 4000 years except between 1948 and 1967 when
THEY were ethnically cleansed by the Jordanians. In 1967 after the Six
Day War did Jews return to reclaim the birthright of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob. Hebron is in Judea, Bethlehem the burial place of Rachel is
in Judea. If Judea does not belong to the Jews then neither does Tel
Aviv or Haifa. Stand up Jews and make your case, stop being so
practical and reasonable, your enemies are not interested in land, or
economic development, or living in harmony with you, their religion of
Islam forbids it, they are only interested in destroying you, Islamic
tolerance is a myth, a lie and a deception. When they shouted
idbah-al-Yahud (slaughter the Jews) prior to 1948 war, prior to 1967
war and today in every mosque in the Middle East, what part of
`slaughter the Jews’ do you Jews not understand?

When Israel withdrew all the Jews from Gaza, all this brought was more
war, actually more Palestinian Arabs died when Israel gave them
`freedom,’ more Palestinian Arabs have been murdered by their own
more Palestinian Arabs have been imprisoned by Hamas, due to Israel’s
foolish policy which has also caused the death of dozens of Jews, as
well as terrifying the whole population of towns in Southern
Israel. Yet our rock star President wishes to direct Israel to make
the exact same concessions in Judea and Samaria and expect a different
result. In fact if Israel does do the President’s bidding, and
withdraws from Judea and Samaria can we expect peace or another Gaza

You do not have to be a committed right winger or Zionist ideologue,
but use ones common sense to be able to understand that the most
likely outcome would be another Gaza situation, but this time it will
be even worse, because now you have every person in Israel that can be
targeted by Hamas Rockets. Yes Hamas rockets, because every person who
understands the security situation knows that if Israel hands control
over Judea and Samaria to Abbas of the PLO, then Hamas will
immediately overthrow him and you will have the same situation as
Gaza. Abbas depends on Israel’s security forces for him to maintain
power. The whole peace process with Abbas is a complete sham.

If the American administration truly understood the reality then it
needs to be racist towards Hamas instead of the Jews, i.e. destroy the
terrorists with uncompromising force then you may not get peace but
you will have neutralized the enemy and disemboweled their ability
from making war which is much better than the current status quo.

If Israel had some common sense it would use the above arguments in
the public domain to make their case, but alas they stand silent. By
their silence they will not get peace, they will not get security and
they will continue to suffer. They suffer because they will not honor
truth, they will not honor G-d’s Promise.

Article originally appeared on American Daily Review
See website for complete article licensing information.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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