We’ll take under our independence’s care

We’ll take under our independence’s care


As we have informed, the benefactors of `Hayastan’ all-Armenian Fund,
by the head of the executive director of the structure Ara Vardanyan
on May 11-14 were in Artsakh. They devoted three days to the
acquaintance of the objects financing by the Fund. And it’s natural,
that during the meeting with the representatives of mass-media they
shared with great readiness their impressions, considerations. This
time we draw our readers’ attention to the talk with assessors of the
fund’s local bodies of the three westeuropean states – Germany,
Switzerland, Austria Gilber Momjyan, Avetis Kiziryan and Razmik
Harutyunyan about the fund, the community’s problems, as well as
Diaspora-Armenia-Artsakh three-unity.

The assessor of local body of Switzerland Avetis Kiziryan has noted,
that it’s already the tenth year that he visits Artsakh, and the
impression got from this visit is incomparably great. `We are very
glad and proud,-he stressed,- that results of the realizing works are
high, it concerns to construction: in comparison with the previous
years it has been done by 99 per cent more better. We’ll hope, that
not only construction’s level, but living standard of our sisters and
brothers living in Armenia and Artsakh will be as in Diaspora’. Then
addition: great part of the diaspora Armeinans grudge nothing for
prosperity of the country.Wishing great successes Armenia and Artsakh,
he said. `We’ll hope, we take under our newborn independence’s care
hundred years and we `ll always assist our country’. School needs
road, subscribing to his collegue’s word, the assessor of the local
body of Germany Gilber Momjyan has noted in his turn, it’s also ten
years that he visits Artsakh, but he has brought his contribution for
the development of Armenia more than 30 years.After Artsakh’s
independence, Mr Momjyan informs, Armenian community in Germany has
worked out some programs and assisted restoration of some villages
ruined by war, as well as programs directed to the construction of
`Goris-Stepanakert’ and `North-South’ high ways. `We were in Togh’s
school, conditions are perfect,-he said,- but till we got to
school….the road was unbearable. So I want to say, that management
of `Hayastan’ Fund should think really well in direction of improving
these roads.So it’s necessary to construct roads of many villages of
Artsakh connecting with each other and cities, as we have done for
constructing `North-South’ highway’. The benefactor attached
importance to the question, as it would spur greatly on development of
tourism.There are 40 thousand armenians in Germany today, the leader
of the community informs. The settlement is not so big, but it’s
rather active, it assists various programs of the fund being realized
in Armenia and Artsakh and n of azatamartiks at least.According to the
assessor of local body of Austria Razmik Harutyunyan, the armenian
settlement in this country is rather small, in conssequence of which
the community is not able to assist great programs.But all the
assistances of the community are directed to children of killed
azatamartiks.We come to the aid easily, but we unite hardly. Why each
time greater successes are recorded in thelethones organized by
`Hayastan’ Fund? `Yes, – noticed Avetis Kiziryan,- we armenians come
to the aid easily, but I must say, we unite hardly. I want to send my
wish to all armenians – all parties, organizations, unities: let’s
unite, come to the aid even with small contribution in the name of
development of native land, Armenia. If we unite, if we unite all our
efforts, we’ll be one of the most powerful nations of the
world’. Agreeing with the collegue’s opinion, G.Momjyan noticed, that
owing to that activity, in Germany some armenian great acting
organizations united thier efforts and came to the aid to the fund’s
programs with joint efforts. Razmik Harutyunyan commented philanthropy
conception in other way: an armenian does not philanthropy, but
expresses its national self-consciousness in this way. `Each armenian
should assist with whole soul’,- with this slogan was concluded our
talk with diaspora Armenian famous benefactors.
