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Centennial Celebration Of ‘JAMANAG’ Newspaper By OIA At The Diocese


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Jun 02 2009

On May 20, 2009, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan
Derderian, Primate, the centennial celebration of ‘Jamanag’ Newspaper
of Constantinople, titled, "Celebration of ‘Jamanag’ Newspaper’s
Century," organized by the Cultural Committee of the Organization
of Istanbul Armenians, was held at the Diocesan Headquarters in
Burbank, California. His Eminence Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian,
Diocesan Clergy and members of the community participated in this
centennial celebration.

Jamanag Chief Editor Mr. Ara Kochounian was the special guest for
the evening. Mr. Ohannes Kulak Avedikyan offered the welcoming
remarks and thanked the Primate for sponsoring the event. Mr. Simon
Acilacoglu, President of the Organization of Istanbul Armenians, in
his remarks welcomed Mr. Kochounian who had traveled to Los Angeles
from Constantinople. He continued by paying homage to the memory
of the founders of the newspaper in Constantinople and enumerated
the positive impact of the publication in the life of the Armenian
community throughout the many years since its beginning. Mr. Acilacoglu
noted that Mr. Kochounian as the Chief Editor of Jamanag Newspaper
has continued the legacy of his father who had also served in the
same capacity before.

After a musical interlude, Chief Editor of Masis Weekly Mr. Arshag
Kazanjian spoke briefly about the importance of Jamanag Newspaper
in the reality of the Armenian media. Representing Nor Or Newspaper,
Mr. Khatchig Janoyan offered a few remarks on the occasion.

In the next segment of the program Mr. Avedikian invited Prof. Osheen
Keshishian, Chief Editor of the Armenian Observer, to offer the
special presentation of Jamanag Newspaper. Prof. Keshishian in his
remarks spoke thoroughly about the importance of Jamanag Newspaper
and the dedication of Mr. Kochounian, Chief Editor of the newspaper,
to the mission of the publication.

After recitation of poems by Mrs. Chinar, Mr. Kochounian spoke briefly
about the paper and thanked His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch
and Catholicos of All Armenians, for initiating the centennial
celebrations for Jamanag Newspaper. As a token of appreciation,
Mr. Kochounian presented the Primate with a bust of the founder of
Jamanag Newspaper, the late Misag Kochounian.

His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate, in his remarks
praised the Jamanag Newspaper Editor in Chief for his dedicated service
and presented him with a special WD 80th Anniversary Medallion and
a copy of the History of the Western Diocese book recently published
on the 80th anniversary of the Diocese.

Torosian Aram:
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