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Armenian PM On Georgian-Armenian Relations


The Messenger
June 9 2009

Armenian PM Tigran Sarkisian highlighted Armenia’s dependence on the
Georgian transport infrastructure. As is known 2/3rds of Armenia’s
trade turnover is generated by transporting goods through Georgia.

Sarkisian suggested that the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border
would provide an alternative connection with European countries. He
also stressed that in Georgia monopolist tendencies have appeared as
transit costs here are rather high. For example, transporting goods
to Poti and Batumi from any other place is only half the price of
transporting things from these ports to Armenia.

Alternative routes will improve the level and quality of Armenia’s
trade independence and will also force transit costs down. This will
mean cheaper products will be available in Armenia and its economy
will be compatible with those of neighbouring states, something not
possible now due to the high transportation costs.

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