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NKR: Meeting At The NKR Foreign Affairs


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2009-06-09 16:19
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

NKR Deputy Foreign Minister Vardan Barseghian received June 8 a
delegation headed by Vice Speaker of the British Parliament House
of Lords Caroline Cox, which had paid a familiarization visit to

On the guests’ request, Vardan Barseghian introduced the history
of the NKR MFA creation and the basic directions of its activity,
also dwelling on the activities of the NKR Permanent Missions abroad.

The meeting participants touched upon the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict
settlement process. In particular, it was noted that Azerbaijan
used all its resources for conducting anti-Armenian propaganda
and distorting the core of the Karabakh issue, which should be
aggressively counteracted. Thereupon, it was proposed to issue in
different languages and to distribute corresponding books and other
informational materials basing on real facts and exposing Baku.

Vardan Barseghian noted that conducting an independent foreign
policy and seeking its international recognition, the Nagorno
Karabakh Republic aimed at establishing good-neighborly and friendly
relations with its international partners, states, organizations,
and individuals.

In her turn, Baroness Cox stated that she tried to involve new persons
in her delegation with each trip, in order to expand the circle of
NKR’s friends, hoping that they would become Artsakh’s "ambassadors"
and would facilitate the resolution of the Karabakh issue.

At the end of the meeting, the guests were granted prepared-by-the
NKR MFA CDs "Crimes Without Punishment" producing Azerbaijan’s crimes
against the peaceful Armenian population during the current stage of
the Artsakh National-liberation Movement.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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