President Received U.S. Assistant Secretary

17:59 09/06/2009

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan received today the U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State Dr. Philip Gordon, the President’s Cabinet reports.

The President congratulated the Assistant Secretary for assuming his
position and said that his visit is a good opportunity to discuss the
on-going status of the Armenian-American relations and the perspectives
of their development. Armenia, President Sargsyan emphasized, signifies
strengthening relations with the United States.

He has also mentioned that the U.S. efforts to contribute to developed
economic, powerful democracy and stability in the region are highly

The Assistant Secretary said that it’s the second week he has assumed
his position and has started his foreign visits from Armenia. According
to him the American party also signifies strengthening cooperation
with Armenia, and much attention is paid on the regional developments.

The parties have discussed a wide range of questions, including
the activities of the Millennium Challenges project and the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.