Alexander Manasyan: Europe Is Turkey’s "Headache"

Karen Ghazaryan

10.06.2009 18:12

Europe is afraid to accept a country, which has committed a crime in
the history and does not accept it, political scientist Alexander
Manasyan told a press conference today, adding that Europe is also
afraid of the demographic picture in Turkey. He is assured that Turkey
has entered a process of recognition of the Armenian Genocide, where
it has no place to retreat. The main pressure comes from Europe, not
the US. According to Alexander Mansyan, Europe is Turkey’s "headache."

Alexander Mansyan compares the Armenian-Turkish relations with a chess
game, where, however, it is allowed to make a step back. Armenia
can declare that in response to the goodwill it has demonstrated,
Turkey has once again deceived Armenia and the United States. "We
have nothing to lose in the Armenian-Turkish relations," he noted.

As for the assumptions that the Karabakh issue is a precondition in the
Armenian-Turkish negotiations, the political scientist considers that
we should believe in the statements of the President and the Foreign
Minister of Armenia: the Karabakh issue cannot be a precondition in
the Armenian-Turkish talks. One should not trust the false publications
of the Turkish media on the "road map."

According to Alexander Mansyan, opening of the Armenian-Turkish
border primarily means lifting Turkey’s blockade of Armenia. "It’s
worth mentioning that we have demonstrated good will by agreeing to
replace the expression ‘lifting the blockade’ with the ‘opening of
the border’," the political scientist said.