Alibi For Governmental Elite

Hakob Badalyan

11:55:24 – 10/06/2009

The version of changing the situation through civil conscience is
spoken much in Armenia. In addition, this version is considered to
have no alternative. Its alternative, no one knows why, is considered
the radicalism. And no one knows why, the radicalism is supposed to be
the synonym of the revolutionism. In reality, these words have been
so much circulated that they lost their meaning and are represented
in the reality with the declarative content and form. And the change
of the situation, at least via development of the civil conscience
lacks almost completely. Moreover, some kind of situation is shaped
when the members of the governmental elite are complaining about the
civil conscience, pretending to be in trouble because of the provincial
thinking. While the reality is that, the lack of the civil society is
a very nice excuse for the Armenian government to throw its mistakes
and crimes on the public.

There is a simple question, the answer of which is not pronounced
in the speech of any figure, who pretends to be the sculptors of the
civil conscience. The point is that the most practical way to reach
it in Armenia is to lose one’s life if not physically, but at least
morally. The point is that a person does not reach a realization due
to the reprimands received in their life. A person lives and thinks
the way they can, in order to reach the best conditions of life. If
someone tries to teach a person civil conscience, they should know that
it should not be made by lectures but it should be shown in practice,
that when the civility is present, the life and the living become
more convenient.

For example, now the government is engaged in showing the people, that
if they steal, deceive, beat, seize, terror, the life becomes almost
free, and in case they do not do all this, this means that you are
incapable, so they face physical, moral and social humiliation at any
step. This does not concern the people, who have such a strong inner
force that the life is just a chain of conditionality for them. But it
is a fact that this kind of people is the small part of the Armenian
society, and the great part of the people thinks proceeding from the
ground how to secure the life of their sons.

There is no other version in any other country. Try to make more
difficult the life of any civil society, try to deprive it from
caring for their families by the civil conscience, you will see
that all the civil societies will become a mass, which is able to
destroy everything. So the approach of changing the life though civil
conscience perhaps is utopia or at least romantics. Just the opposite
is necessary, in other words, changing the life one will be able to
change the people’s conscience. A person, the society, needs to see in
practice that living by civil values is more favorable. Such a society
needs an elite, which instead of justifying its mistakes and errors
with the help of the society, is able to use its governmental levers
creating such conditions, which do not have any other alternative,
but civil conscience.