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Nalbandian Says Efforts Underway To Resolve Javakhk Issues


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Jun 10, 2009

YEREVAN -At a briefing Wednesday, Foreign Minister Eduard
Nalbandian told the cabinet that efforts were underway to address
the socio-economic issues of the Armenian population of Javakhk,
adding that during his Monday meeting with his Georgian counterpart
the matter received serious consideration.

Nalbandian was in Tbilisi Monday and met with Georgian Foreign
Minister Grigol Vashadze, who pointed out that $102 million will be
allocated for construction of roads, schools and other infrastructure
improvements in Javakhk during the next two years.

Nalbandian also said that he and Vashadze discussed the status of
Armenian churches across Georgia. The foreign minister said the
effort to clarify the status of the churches has been presented to
the Georgian parliament.

Nalbandian also said the two focused on the opening of the
Russian-Georgian border in the region known as Upper Lars to ease
the transport of goods and services. The border was closed after last
summer’s Georgian-Russian war.

Nalbandian told his colleagues that Georgia had expressed willingness
to negotiate with Russia to speed up the border opening process.

Plans are underway for a visit by Georgian President Mikhail
Saakashvili to Armenia at the end of June.

Nalbandian also attended the inauguration of Sayat Nova Square
in Tbilisi.

Tambiyan Samvel:
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