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Novruz Mammadov Refutes Progress At Negotiations On Karabakh


2009-06-11 17:23:00

ArmInfo-TURAN. The last meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian
Presidents in Saint Petersburg as well as their previous talks cannot
be called positive, Novruz Mammadov, chief of the International Affairs
Department of the presidential administration, told Turan. He said the
statements of the OSCE Minsk Group co- chairmen and western diplomats
about results of the meeting do not coincide with reality. "No serious
steps forward" have been made, not taking into account some "small
differences" at five meetings between Ilham Aliyev and Serzh Sarkisian.

Mammadov said he has no information available about possibility
of signing of the agreement between Azerbaijani and Armenian
Presidents in July in presence of Presidents of U.S., France and
Russia. In some countries Armenia is shown as the constructive state,
which holds constructive talks and makes ready for signing of the
documents. Therefore, the OSCE MG co-chairmen present Armenia as "a
constructive country and impose this viewpoint to the world publicity,"
Mammadov said. Asked about Turkey’s role in the Karabakh conflict
settlement, Mammadov said Turkey and Azerbaijan are friendly and
brotherly countries, which will not sacrifice each other interests
to please interests of the others. "We see that Turkey is really
interested in the conflict settlement and takes real steps in this
direction," Mammadov said.

Mammadov wished "the U.S. co-chairman objectively informed his leaders
about real situation in the negotiations following instructions of
his president and Secretary of State."

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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