AEF: Call for Papers: The Armenian Communities of Asia Minor

UCLA AEF Chair in Armenian History
Contact: Prof. Richard Hovannisian
Tel: 310-825-3375
Email: [email protected]


International Conference on the Armenian Communities of Asia Minor

University of California, Los Angeles, Saturday-Sunday, March 19-20, 2010

Sponsored by the UCLA Armenian Educational Chair in Modern Armenian History

The 18th in the AEF Chair series on Historic Armenian Cities and
Provinces will focus on the Armenian Communities of Asia Minor
(Anatolia) from ancient times to the present. The area covered will
be from the Asiatic shores of the Sea of Marmara to the borders of
Caesarea (Kaiseria; Kayseri) and along the Black and Mediterranean
seas to Sinope and Cilicia. There were significant active Armenian
communities in Kastamuni, Izmid, Bursa, Banderma, Adabazar,
Bardizag, Eskishehir, Kutahia, Konia, Yozgat, and elsewhere in Asia
Minor. Abstracts are invited that cover aspects of the social,
economic, art and architectural, educational, musical, religious,
administrative, and political history of any single community or the
region as a whole. Caesarea (Kesaria/Kayseri), Smyrna/Izmir,
Constantinople, and Cilicia are not included as they have been the
subject of previous conferences. In case of need, there will be
funding for partial air fare and accommodations.

Please submit an abstract of 300 to 500 words by September 1, 2009,
together with the following information: (1) Your full name and
title; (2) Academic affiliation;
(3) mailing address, e-mail address, telephone number.

In the first instance, please inform me of your intent to submit an
abstract so that I may determine if there are sufficient materials
and interest to organize such a conference

Please respond to [email protected]

and send your abstract by Word attachment to the same address.

Richard Hovannisian,
AEF Chair in Modern Armenian History,
University of California, Los Angeles