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Expectations From Nikoyan’s Commission Are Worse


16:02:22 – 11/06/2009

The Heritage and the Armenian National Congress members of the fact
finding group, Seda Safaryan and Andranik Kocharyan, on June 11,
dwelling on the activities of the former fact-finding group, in
particular on the intermediate report on Hamlet Tadevosyan’s death,
which they sent to the NA temporary commission to study March 1,
stated that in reality the head of the group Vahe Stepanyan also
signed the very report.

In this connection, Andranik Kocharyan expressed his surprise in
relation to Samvel Nikoyan’s speech on the TV, "First he stated that
the document was very seriously prepared, and then he states that
there is nothing in it, there are breaches of the procedure. Then
he dwelt on the loss of the flak jacket, without realizing why the
jacket was lost", stated Andranik Kocharyan. According to him, for
Nikoyan it was necessary to read the report a little attentively and
he would understand that the jacket was not lost but hidden.

Andranik Kocharyan stated that Tadevosyan’s clothes were sent to the
special investigative service in one bag and the investigator did
not notice that the jacket disappeared by the simple reason that if
he found the jacket he would be able to find out the exact placeer
of the explosion

According to him, the commission after reading the report, the NA
commission had nothing else to do but to dissolve Vahagn Harutunyan’s
investigative service, stated Andranik Kocharyan.

Seda Safaryan is sure that Samvel Nikoyan’s commission will not
reveal the March 1. Seda Safaryan even stated that she had much worse
expectations form Nikoyan’s commission than from the prosecutor’s
office and from the investigative body.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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