"The Court Behaves Cynically"


08:50 pm | June 11, 2009


The Armenian National Congress (HAK) today released a statement which
says in part:

After the Central Election Commission rejected HAK’s decision to
invalidate the results of the Yerevan municipal election, the HAK
appealed the CEC decision in the RoA Administrative Court. The Congress
also demanded that the election results be nullified.

HAK submitted to the Court 397-page documents and 4 DVDs depicting
the general picture of the election day.

After finding the claim groundless the Administrative Court returned
it on June 10.

The Court’s was supposed to behave cynically as it had numerous proofs
and undeniable evidence at hand. Once again the judicial system turned
out to be frustrated in Armenia like all other state structures. It
has turned into a selfish marionette serving the interests of the
bandit regime and ready to execute any illegal order."