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An Exclusive Interview With Ms. Sebahat Tuncel, Kurdish MP Of Turkey


Kurdish Herald
June 11 2009

Interview conducted by Servet Tosun and Natsumi Ajiki for Kurdish
Herald at the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in Ankara.

Ankara, Turkey – Kurdish Herald recently had the opportunity to speak
with Ms. Sebahat Tuncel, a Kurdish member of Turkey’s parliament
and Istanbul Deputy for the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party
(DTP), for an exclusive interview regarding topics that included the
Kurdish question and the electoral success of her party in the recent
nationwide local elections. Ms. Tuncel is the official foreign affairs
representative for the DTP. In 2006, she was imprisoned on charges
of a crime against the unity of the state. She was released in 2007
through parliamentarian immunity after winning a seat in Istanbul and
became the first person in Turkey’s history to be elected from prison.

Kurdish Herald: How would you characterize the reaction of the Turkish
government and military to the DTP’s recent successes in the March
2009 Turkish municipal elections?

Ms. Sebahat Tuncel, Kurdish MP in Turkey’s parliament

Sebahat Tuncel: The [Turkish] state employed all its branch and
organs with the expectation of defeating DTP in the Kurdish region
in the March 2009 elections. Different groups, such as soldiers,
governors, even some members of the other Turkish parties, worked
with the Justice and Development Party (AKP) aiming to meet this
expectation. All of these actors worked very hard against DTP. For
instance, they gave free food, donated laundry machines, and gave
money to people. It was important for the AKP to win the Kurdish
provinces. If they succeeded, the Turkish government could tell
everyone (inside Turkey and throughout the world) that AKP represents
the Kurds, and the Kurds do not have the problems and grievances that
DTP always brings to the table.

Of course, the reaction of the government and the military to the
results of the elections has been, indeed, negative. State Minister and
Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek, stated that the results demonstrated
that the DTP has "pushed to the border of Armenia." Chief of General
Staff Ilker Basbug said that "the votes that DTP received should
be read correctly." The AKP, similarly, claimed that DTP got the
victory by using violence against people. So, generally, we witnessed
intolerance of the DTP’s success from the [Turkish] state.

Kurdish Herald: Is there any group in particular in the Turkish
government that you think is a dependable partner for dialogue in
seeking some solution to the Kurdish issue in Turkey?

Sebahat Tuncel: More discussions took place after the March 29th
elections. President Abdullah Gul had some statements on this
issue. He stated that "there will be good things," and "there is an
immediate need for the solution for the Kurdish problem." However,
he has not explained what the solution would be like. This lack of
clarity persists.

On the other hand, DTP expressed that there was a chance for a
solution. The March 2009 elections actually created an opportunity
as the DTP doubled their seats in municipalities. However, the AKP
approached DTP with violence in the retaliation for their defeat in
the elections. The government has arrested hundreds of DTP members
and additionally, the Turkish military conducted operations against
the PKK. Thus, it is clear that Turkish government seeks a solution
without Kurds involved.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan continues his negative
attitudes against the Kurds. He still does not recognize the political
rights of 20 million Kurds. Neither the AKP nor the other parties have
an actual project for the solution to the Kurdish question. Both sides
continue to approach the Kurdish question in a traditional way, such as
defining the Kurdish question as a "terror" problem. The politicians
continue to obey the military. Therefore, I think that Turkey’s
political internal dynamics alone are unable to solve the Kurdish
question. We believe that Turkey inevitably needs more extensive
international support and advice to find a way to reach a solution.

Kurdish Herald: What is the status of recent court cases pending
against you and other DTP parliamentarians? Who is behind allegations
against you and your colleagues? And to what extent do these court
cases interfere with your work as a parliamentarian?

Sebahat Tuncel: Cases attempting to close the DTP continue. It is like
the Sword of Damocles on our neck – the Turkish state has continuously
been trying to suppress us by using these cases.

There are currently about 380 cases in Turkey calling for the revoking
of immunity of MPs. Of these cases, 286 are against DTP MPs. The cases
against the others are mostly based on charges for corruption, bribery,
or even murder, while for us the cases are based only on the expression
of our political ideas. These cases have deepened the Kurdish problem
and have revealed the double standard and unjust manipulation in the
interpretation of the Turkish law when it comes to Kurdish rights.

Kurdish Herald: What role is the DTP currently playing in the
organization of a pan-Kurdish conference in Erbil, and what would
its aims be?

Sebahat Tuncel: There has been a long discussion over this conference
in Turkey, with a plan to disqualify the Kurdistan Workers’ Party
(PKK) from the conference. Nevertheless, the March 2009 elections
dismissed such plans. We hoped that that this conference would
highlight the unity of the Kurds and call for a project for the
freedom and democratization of the countries where Kurds live.

At this moment, it seems that the conference has been delayed. However,
we think that this conference should take a place and many Kurds from
the four parts should attend it. It is exciting to have this first
Kurdish conference. With this conference we can send a message to
the world as a united Kurdish people.

Kurdish Herald: As the foreign affairs representative of the DTP,
how do you see Turkey’s relationships with Iraq’s central government
and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) developing?

Sebahat Tuncel: I think that the Turkey-KRG relationship is very
important both in terms of politics and commercial relations. On
the other hand, we would not accept any type of relationship that
would adversely affect reaching a solution for the Kurdish question
in Turkey. In this relationship, we expect that both sides take
consideration for the interests of the Kurds in Turkey as well.

Even though Turkey-KRG relations do not seem stable, there is still
a chance for a healthy and normal relationship only if the safety
of the Northern Kurds [Kurds in Turkey] is secured. We want to make
clear that our Kurdish brothers and sisters in Iraq will not have
freedom until the 20 million Kurds in Turkey do as well.

Kurdish Herald: What are your views on Turkey’s European Union
accession efforts? Do you believe that the current government is
focused on achieving EU membership?

Sebahat Tuncel: We, the DTP, are a determined supporter of the European
Union membership process of Turkey because social and political reforms
and changes in Turkey have not occurred easily and the implementation
of reforms for the membership of the EU may help bring about positive
change in Turkey. As it is known, Turkey is still administrated by
a military coup Constitution. For instance, there is a law, the Law
of Struggle Against Terror and it has been affecting the lives of
all the Kurds, young and old alike. With the membership of the EU,
this law can be reformed. Today, there are many Kurdish children are
standing trial, facing a possible 25 year prison sentence, because
they threw stones at Turkish police. There are almost 3,000 children
who are standing trial for such accusations.

However, the Turkish government doesn’t seem to focus on the
achievement of the [candidacy] membership of the EU. They only talk
but do not follow through with action.

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