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Headquarter At The Presidential Residence Was Set Up Earlier


15:19:21 – 15/06/2009

On June 15, the Head of the NZh party Aram Karapetyan dwelt on the
current atmosphere in the parliamentary commission to study March
1 and his expectations from that commission in connection with the
revelations of March 1 case.

He stated that nothing is the way it may seem. Aram Karapetyan noted
that the same situation, which was present in the fact-finding group,
is present there too. As he noted, they try to present everything
the way they want, the TV channels show Samvel Nikoyan very often
but they do not show a second opinion. As Aram Karapetyan stated the
parliamentary commission cannot reveal the crimes completely.

Aram Karapetyan stated that if Robert Kocharyan and all the other
people, who, according to their information, were in the headquarter
at the presidential residence, did not come to the commission, it
cannot reach the aim it is formed for. Aram Karapetyan stated that
that headquarter was formed in October 2007.

According to Aram Karapetyan, the headquarter had the aim to secure
Serge Sargsyan’s presidency. The members of the headquarter were the
Head of the police, Robert Kocharyan, Serge Sargsyan, Hovik Abrahamyan,
Armen Gevorgyan. Aram Karapetyan noted that this headquarter held
its sessions at the presidential residence.

He NZh Party leader stated that by closing the fact-finding group
down and preparing for an amnesty, the government wants to close the
March 1 page. According to him, amnesty is a good step, but it is
bad that the government tries to represent it as a public demand,
while making it only proceeding from political aims.

Karapetian Hovik:
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