Writers Union of Armenia Gets New Printing Office Donated by AGBU

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Writers Union of Armenia Gets New Printing Office Donated by AGBU
Surmelian Fund

This year, Armenian General Benevolent Union has donated a printing
office to the Writers Union for mutual cooperation, reported Writers
Union President Levon Ananian. He noted that AGBU, over the years, has
realized various scholarly publication projects with the Writers Union.
The printing office equipment is being imported from China.

Ananian stated that the press will be named after the American-Armenian
writer Levon Zaven Surmelian, who bequeathed his legacy to AGBU. Ananian
noted that the press will be situated in the basement level of the
Writers Union, where renovation work is currently going on. The launch
of the press is slated to take place in two months. According to the
Writers Union president, this printing office will be of great help in
the work of publishing contemporary literature.

Established in 1906, AGBU () is the world’s largest
non-profit Armenian organization. Headquartered in New York City, AGBU
preserves and promotes the Armenian identity and heritage through
educational, cultural and humanitarian programs, annually serving some
400,000 Armenians on six continents.
