Categories: News

Another Slap In The Face


Haykakan Zhamanak
June 11 2009

Yesterday the USA again slapped the Republic of Armenia authorities
in the face.

Yesterday the US State Department published the report on democracy
and human rights which relentlessly criticized the Armenian
authorities. The report touched upon the 1 March 2008 and the events
following it in detail.

Let us remind the readers that the State Department gave a tough
assessment of the Armenian authorities in the previous annual report
as well. In yesterday’s report, apart from the 1 March events,
the US State Department dwelled on the politically-motivated
trials as well. The presidential election of 2008 was held with
major shortcomings and led to a political crisis that has stayed
unresolved. On 1 March 2008 the ruling authorities used force
to disperse people at a rally, arrested dozens of demonstrators
and imposed an emergency situation for 20 days. The latter measure
seriously restricted media freedom and people’s right of assembly. Ten
peopled died in clashes between the demonstrators and security forces.

After the March violence a drastic decline in the human rights
situation was recorded. The authorities used pressure to intimate
the opposition and take revenge upon them. The police beat the
detainees under investigation and in some cases investigation was
not conducted fairly. The National Security Service and Police acted
with impunity and carried out unsanctioned arrests and detentions,
the State Department report said.

Touching upon the politically-motivated trials the report mentioned:
The executive authorities continued putting political pressures on
the judges. Selective judicial persecution of political opponents and
lack of just investigation demonstrated dependence of the judicial
system. The conditions in prison cells were unsatisfactory and
unhealthy. The authorities not always respected the privacy of

There was also a point on the media in yesterday’s report. Reporters
and journalists continued to exercise self-censorship; the government
adopted a new contradictory law on TV and radio licensing, thus putting
up yet another two-year obstacle [to obtaining a broadcasting licence],
the report said.

The US State Department also noted that the further implementation of
the contract signed with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
would depend upon the progress in democracy and recorded indicators
meeting the MCC’s fair governance criteria. Let me remind you that
Armenia’s indicators are very low and do not meet the criteria of fair
governance and democracy. Yet in the end of 2008 the MCC published
the criteria and Armenia had recorded unsatisfactory results.

Also I would like to remind you that for the past year the MCC has
been constantly refusing to deliver financial aid to Armenia because
of the same reason. The MCC’s latest board meeting decided to discuss
the provision of several-million-dollar aid to Armenia in June,
i.e. now. But judging by the State Department report Armenia this
time as well will not get the anticipated aid from the USA.

Anyway, at the same time the State Department report mentions that the
USA has rendered Armenia diverse and large-scale support to promote
a free and fair presidential election in February 2008. And several
months before the Yerevan municipal election [on 31 May 2009] the
USA implemented its three months’ democracy development strategy. It
focused on higher-level fair and transparent election processes. The
purpose of the strategy was holding a free and fair election. Whereas
as we have already informed you on 31 May election fraud and ballot
staffing were committed even in the presence of US ambassador to
Armenia Marie L. Yovanovitch.

The final part of the report said: In response to the Armenian
government’s request to support them in the creation of an independent
commission to investigate the 1 March violence, US officials offered
and later organized and funded a visit by former staff members of
the USA’s 9/11 commission to Armenia to share their experience in
the government crisis investigation.

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