BAKU: Milli Majlis Blamed United States For Duplicity


Azerbaijan Business Center
June 19 2009

Baku, Fineko/ Today Milli Majlis (Parliament of Azerbaijan)
offered to apply to the U.S. Congress because of its intentions to
render financial assistance to unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh.

Chairman of the Popular Front Oppositional Party Gudret Hasanguliyev
said the U.S. Congress should be told to stop running such a
double-dealing policy.

"It seems impossible that on one hand, U.S. are talking about
recognition of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and the necessity
to settle Karabakh problem within territorial integrity, and, on
the other hand, are rendering assistance to a separative junta under
various pretexts. Why then do not they render the same assistance to
the South Ossetia, Abkhazia or Transnistria?," Hasanguliyev questioned.

He also noted that everyone knows there is an Armenian lobby in the
United States, but America, as a state, should follow the declared

"This country should respect itself, so we need to apply to the
U.S. Congress," Deputy noted.

Lately Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) informed that
the U.S. Congress House of Representatives Subcommittee on Foreign
Affairs decided to keep financial aid amounting $48 million to be
rendered to Armenia and $10 million to Nagorno-Karabakh in the draft
budget for 2010 fiscal year.

Moreover, it was kept the parity of military assistance designed for
Armenia and Azerbaijan – the countries each will be given $3 million.

Thus, according to ANCA, Barack Obama’s proposal on reducing the size
of economic assistance to Armenia by 38% and amending the military
aid parity in favor of Azerbaijan were not accepted.