Armenian Complementarism Has Come To The End: ACNIS Director


2009-06-22 16:59:00

ArmInfo. Armenian complementarism has come to the end, Richard
Giragosian, Director of the Armenian Center for National and
International Studies (ACNIS), said at the conference ‘Armenia at
the crossroad of communications’ at the Armenian resort town of
Tsakhadazor on Monday.

He said that the situation has changed and Armenia is no longer
considered even an outpost by Moscow. It is perceived just as
a military base, Giragosian said. He believes that the reason of
such situation is the policy of the Armenian authorities. To prove
his words, ACNIS Director mentioned that during opening of the
Russian Square in Yerevan President of Armenia and Yerevan Mayor
talked in Russian for some unknown reason. ‘I don’t think it would
be possible if a square of China or France is opened in Yerevan’,
he said. Nevertheless, R. Giragosian called such approach to the
country inadmissible especially in the context of the post-August
realities since Armenia’s role in the region has considerably grown
after Georgia’s weakening like the role of Azerbaijan. R. Giragosian
highlighted three imperatives in the policy with regard to Armenia:
the situation after the August war; the USA’s refusal from practicing
color revolutions that proved ineffective; and the Eastern Partnership
Project, which Russia considers an analogue to NATO though it is not
right. For conclusion, R. Giragosian underlined Armenia’s role as a
link between the states in the region.