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Congratulatoons of NKR Pres Bako Sahakyan to ‘Bridge Artsakh’ Forum

Congratulatory Address of NKR President Bako Sahakyan to the
Participants of the ‘Bridge Artsakh’ Economic Forum

2009-06-21 10:09:00

ArmInfo. Below is the congratulatory Address of NKR President Bako
Sahakyan to the Participants of the "Bridge Artsakh" Economic Forum.

Respected prime minister of the Republic of Armenia

Honorable participants of the conference

I am glad to welcome and congratulate all of you on the beginning of
the "Bridge Artsakh" economic forum. At the same time I express my
gratitude to the Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia and
to the Center of International integration support "Master" for
organizing and holding the conference on the development prospects of
Artsakh economy.

This unprecedented undertaking shows interests of our Armenian and
foreign colleagues and economical circles interests in issues Artsakh
and its economy face. We highly appreciate your efforts due to which
Artsakh could bring to a qualitatively new level the discussion of
issues it concerns.

As you may know since the end of the imposed and devastating war
reconstruction of our country has always been in the spotlight of
Armenia and the Diaspora. It is thanks to the joint efforts that the
Nagorno Karabagh Republic has managed to revive rapidly and overall
overcome the consequences of hard humanitarian crisis and postwar

Being grateful and to Armenia and the world spread Armenians for the
priceless humanitarian support served to our country, we are
elaborating ways to develop NKR’s economy on a steady basis as well as
deepen and enlarge economic ties with the outside world, first of all
with Armenia. That is the basis on which the socioeconomic wellbeing of
our people should be built, and that is the key to the resettlement of

Parallel with this it is necessary have an appropriate legal and
institutional basis to communicate and establish mutually beneficial
cooperation with the world. It touches upon flexible tax system,
appropriate financial and credit policy, activities of the Artsakh
Investment Fund. This structure bears the responsible mission of
elaborating and realizing perspective economic projects. I hope that
forming necessary potential and accumulating professional experience it
will become a reliable partner and competent advisor to entrepreneurs
who intend to work in Artsakh.

In Artsakh, thereby, all conditions are being created to develop
business and make investments. The country is also rich of natural
resources. The most promising spheres are agriculture, mining and
processing industry, energy sector and tourism. However, the greatest
treasure of our country is human capital, intellectual potential of our
people, diligence, law abidance, strive for progress and

It is hard to talk about development prospects in a situation of the
current international financial and economic crisis. It is difficult,
but it is not impossible. What is more, development has no alternative.
We are facing the challenge of solving old problems under new
circumstances, which requires reassessment of capabilities, adjustment
of strategies and cooperation prospects with our partners.

The format of this economic forum offers an opportunity to discuss a
wide range of economic issues. We will definitely apply this potential
in our future cooperation. Today, however, we have more urgent issues
on agenda.

I am confident the state-business dialogue will generate new ideas and
practical propositions on developing agriculture, construction,
transport, credit system, and receiving tourism.

In the present circumstances your vision about entrepreneurship and its
perspectives is a matter of particular importance. We attach special
importance to issues of professional specialization of Artsakh
entrepreneurs and officials in the sphere of economy.

Concluding my speech, I would like to wish all the attendees fruitful
work and success both within and outside the framework of the. I hope
that this representative forum will become another reliable bridge
linking the Nagorno Karabagh Republic with our friends and the outer

Thank you.

Basmajian Ani:
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