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Mgmt of BI LINE displeased with use of company’s name by ArmenTel

Management of BI LINE displeased with the use of their company’s name
by ArmenTel

2009-06-21 10:04:00

ArmInfo. The new management of ArmenTel continues to illegally use the
name of our company (BI LINE), says the press service of BI LINE.

While speaking at Digitec Business 2009 the newly appointed director of
ArmenTel Igor Klimko repeatedly called his company "Beeline."

"We have repeatedly said that by calling itself "Beeline" ArmenTel
misappropriates the name of "BI LINE" company. This is absolutely
illegal. There cannot be two companies with similar names. ArmenTel has
been registered as Armentel and Klimko has no single document
confirming that his company can be called "Beeline"."

"Thus, ArmenTel is pursuing a consistent policy to misappropriate the
name of "BI LINE". For two years already ArmenTel has illegally used
our name due to the erroneous and illegal decision of the Economic
Court of Armenia. This activity has led to a confusion. As a result, we
keep receiving complaints and inquiries addressed to ArmenTel."

"We consider ArmenTel’s actions as illegal and will continue to dispute
them in court."

BI LINE has already appealed to the European Court against the decision
of the Economic Court. As regards Klimko’s statements, BI LINE suggests
that he publicly appologize and refutes his words in the press or he
will have to do it in court.

Ekmekjian Janet:
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