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Myasnik Malkhasyan Refuses From His Deputy’s Mandate

Siranush Muradyan

22.06.2009 18:18

How will the released Deputies continue their activity? Will
Hakob Hakobyan and Myasnik Malkhasyan continue their legislative
activity? What does the law say?

According to the by-law of the National Assembly, both MPs keep their
mandates until the Parliament takes a decision on their parliamentary
status, taking into consideration the number of the sittings they
have missed.

"They remain Deputies of the National Assembly until the Standing
Committee on State-Legal Issues takes a decision connected with there
absence in sittings during more than one session.," Rafik Petrosyan
from the Republican faction said.

"Proceeding from the fact that there is a verdict of "guilty," the
reasons of their absence will be considered inadequate. However,
the National Aseembly may decide not to deprive them of the Deputy’s
mandate even if the Committee on State-Legal Issues suggests so,"
Rafik Petrosyan noted.

Co-author of the by-law of the National Assembly Viktor Dallakyan
considers, however, that the reasons of their absence will not be
viewed as inadequate.

According to the Constitution, the Deputy keeps his mandate during
the judicial proceedings until the verdict is returned. The MP keeps
his mandate even in case an appeal is filed at the Courts of second
and third instance s.

After the amnesty it is for the National Assembly to decide the
question of the future activity of the Deputies. However, the decision
may apply only to Hakob Hakobyan, since Myasnik Malkhasayan has
declared about his refusal from his Deputy’s mandate.

Hakob Hakobyan does not refuse from the mandate, declaring that he
has been elected by people and is responsible for the 20 thousand
votes cast for him.

Maghakian Mike:
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