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Syrian president held talks in Armenia on Turkey, Azeri relations

Syrian Arab News Agency, Syria
June 20 2009

Syrian president held talks in Armenia on Turkey, Azeri relations

Damascus, 20 June: (SANA) _Presidential Political and Media Adviser
Buthaynah Sha’ban has described President Bashar al-Asad and wife
visit to Armenia as successful and unveiled the deep-rooted joint ties
between the two countries.

In a statement to Tishrin newspaper published Saturday [20 June],
Sha’ban stressed that the visit focused on two main axes: the first
one is the bilateral relations and necessity of developing them in the
economic, trade, tourist and cultural fields. "The second one is the
role Syria could play in cooperation with Armenia in solving some of
the pending issues between Armenia and Turkey and on efforts exerted
to realize peace in the Middle East and the Caucasus", she added.

The presidential adviser unveiled that Syrian-Turkish communications
will be held soon for the rapprochement of views and improving the
Turkish-Armenian relations in the interest of both countries and

She pointed out that President al-Asad was keen on getting acquainted
with the standing situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan during his
visit to Armenia and before his forthcoming visit to Azerbaijan for
crystallizing possible solutions to improve the Armenian-Azeri

She underlined that the Armenian side welcomed and appreciated
President al-Asad’s keenness and asserted Syria’s import ant role in
consolidating good relations among the neighbouring countries to
create positive climate for opening distinguished prospects for
regional cooperation.

She said: " President al-Asad’s meeting with Armenian President Serzh
Sargsyan and senior Armenian officials dealt with all common regional
and international issues, where His Excellency encouraged exchanging
mutual visits, particularly between the members of the two Parliaments
and businessmen of the two countries.

Answering a question on the economic outcome of the visit, Shaaban
said the strategic vision of President al-Asad in creating a regional
space which constitutes an efficient economic power, was welcomed by
all official and public sides, quoting President al-Asad as saying
that "removing the political obstacles serves the economic and trade
relations", so he focused on establishment of land transportation net
between the Middle East and Gulf region on one hand and the Caucasus
and Central Asia on the other hand which means linking the four The
Black, Caspian, Mediterranean Seas and Arabian Gulf.

Mamian George:
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