BAKU: Armenia Records Signs Of Fatigue With The Futile Policy Held B


June 22 2009

Interview Day.Az with political scientist Rasim Aghayev

– Armenian mass media have published information that in frames
of the negotiation process Azerbaijan and Armenia are discussing a
definite document. In this connection the Armenian president tries
to persuade Karabakh separatists that "there is no alternative to
serious concessions to Azerbaijan". What could such news mean and
could they be reliable?

– This implies the phased implementation of famous "Madrid principles"
that will allow to settle the main issue on the status of Nagorno
Karabakh. Practice shows that any publication on the return of six
regions to Azerbaijan by Armenia has recently faced resistance of the
significant layers of the political powers of Armenia that continue
policy of blackmail, saying we will exert pressure on Azerbaijan by
the help of the six regions around Nagorno Karabakh to attain the
status desirable for Armenia.

– What is really meant by this?

– This implies the obvious implementation of occupational plans of the
territorial expansion of Armenia. If earlier someone abroad pretended
not to be understanding and closed eyes on evident things, now the
discussions around Nagorno Karabakh between the leading political
powers of the world stressed the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan
in this issue, which makes Armenia’s position too weak and defenseless.

Moreover, the very situation with the world crisis puts Armenia
into a grave condition because the main ally of Armenia – Russia-
is also not at ease and the United States are also impatient and do
not understand Armenia’s obstinacy.

It has become clear that Armenia is not ready to make compromises
in frames of the basic principles and the information leakage
proves the incomplete readiness of the Armenian leadership to assume
implementation of these agreements. Anyway, Armenia is likely to review
its capacities. It might review its tactical steps when Armenia will
try to exchange the soonest solution of the issue on Nagorno Karabakh
status to the readiness to return the occupied lands.

Azerbaijan’s position in this issue is obvious. It states the need to
settle this disputable issues with the protracted status of Karabakh,
if, certainly, Armenia agrees on this approach. I have many evidences
that it could be in Armenia’s interests. Azerbaijan will have to voice
its attitude towards the new situation in any form, if it appears.

– Is this leakage connected with the internal political struggle
in Armenia?

– Well, if this leakage is connected with the internal political
struggle or the intention to show its readiness for compromises,
they will talk about this for some time and then everything will
be back again. I think it is necessary to watch the reaction of
official Yerevan to this and especially see the reaction of Sargsyan’s
opponents, for this issue is a cornerstone around which the policy
of the opponents of Armenian ruling group is based. I do not exclude
that this might imply serious intentions of the Armenian President.

Though, by some information that I have Armenia records signs of
fatigue with the futile policy conducted by Armenian powers in the
recent years. I think the country should renew and review its values,
but in all cases this implies not the Karabakh settlement, but the
phased solution which is of serious importance for both parties.