EU Doesn’t Interfere In Iran’s Domestic Affairs


24.06.2009 11:15 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ EU is not going to interfere in Iran’s domestic
affairs, said Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for
External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy. "What we want
Iran is to observe basic democratic rules like all other countries. EU
condemns violence against peaceful protesters in Iran and demands that
authorities ensure people’s rights to peaceful rallies. Parties should
overcome crisis through democratic dialogue and peaceful methods,"
European Commissioner stressed.

As a result of June 12 presidential elections in Iran, incumbent
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad received 62,63% of votes. His main rival
– Mir-Hossein Musavi, received 33.75% of votes. Mousavi declared of his
victory before the publication of official results, and later accused
authorities of ballot rigging. Last Saturday, pro-opposition figures
clashed against law enforcers in Tehran. Several people died (Their
number varies between 19 and 150, according to different sources’
reports). 100 people are reported injured and 450 – arrested