Section 907 Strengthened

Armenian Assembly of America
1334 G Street, NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: [email protected]


June 23, 2009
Contact: Michael A Zachariades
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (202) 393-3434


Armenian Assembly Hails Action

Washington, DC – Today, Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act was
strengthened by the House Committee on Appropriations when it approved
the Fiscal Year 2010 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Act,
reported the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly). The strengthening
of Section 907 directs "that the Department of State consult with the
Committees on Appropriations before exercising [a] waiver for fiscal
year 2010 to ensure that all conditions under the waiver are being fully
met." The same bill also provides $48 million in assistance for Armenia
and $10 million for Nagorno Karabakh.

"The Armenian Assembly thanks Chairwoman Nita Lowey for her leadership
on Armenian issues, as well as Congressmen Adam Schiff and Mark Kirk,
and all of our friends on the Appropriations Committee for today’s
outcome," stated Executive Director Bryan Ardouny. "The Armenian Caucus,
led by Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. and Mark Kirk, also played a
pivotal role and we appreciate the effort of this dedicated, bipartisan

The Assembly’s efforts garnered results in Congress and the Committee
has validated the importance of Section 907 by calling on all parties to
"refrain from threats, incitement to the use of force, or other
inflammatory rhetoric." The new language comes as cease-fire violations
by Azerbaijan have increased in recent months. In testimony presented
before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign
Operations, and Related Programs in March of this year, Assembly Board
of Trustees Member and Counselor Van Krikorian outlined the importance
of Section 907 and expressed the Assembly’s strong concerns regarding
Azerbaijan’s continued war rhetoric.

"As the Subcommittee is aware, in the aftermath of September 11th,
pursuant to then-Secretary of State Colin Powell’s request for
flexibility to counter terrorist elements and organizations operating in
Azerbaijan, Congress granted a conditional and limited waiver to Section
907. The conditional waiver of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act
makes it clear that any assistance provided shall not "undermine or
hamper" the Karabakh peace process or "be used for offensive purposes
against Armenia" or any "Armenian community in the Caucasus region."
…While safeguards were built into the waiver, especially to safeguard
against U.S. security assistance being used in a new Azeri ethnic
cleansing campaign such as the one it began to start the war, the
Assembly remains deeply troubled by the continued war rhetoric emanating
from senior Azerbaijani officials, including its President. In addition,
Azerbaijan has rejected Armenia’s numerous proposals for economic and
regional confidence-building measures, and has instead dramatically
increased its military spending to levels equivalent to Armenia’s entire
national budget."

"Having initiated Section 907 and championed it since its inception, the
Assembly welcomes the strengthening of this important provision and
applauds the Committee for sending a strong message in the face of
Azerbaijan’s continued warmongering," stated Assembly Board of Trustees
Chairman Hirair Hovnanian. "By insisting that Turkey continue its
blockade to force concessions in the Nagorno Karabakh peace process,
Azerbaijan has taken a counter-productive stance with respect to the
announced roadmap between Armenia and Turkey. This latest Congressional
action helps restore the integrity of the peace process supported by
U.S. mediators."

The report language also reaffirms the Committee’s support for the
policy of parity in military assistance to Armenia and Azerbaijan, as
well as support for confidence building measures among the parties to
the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. A vote in the House is expected as early
as next week.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding
and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c) (3)
tax-exempt membership organization.



Editor’s Note:

New language concerning Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act from the
House Fiscal Year 2010 State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill.

Full text of the Assembly’s March testimony before the House
Appropriations Subcommittee on State Foreign Operations
ny_FY_2010_VAN.p df